The silages of sweet sorghum cultivars BRS 506 and CMSXS 647, and forage sorghum cultivar BRS 655 presented higher nutritional values. (2) Ash Determination. The WSC metabolism during fermentation of sugar and synthesis of ethanol by yeast can cause an increase in fiber content during ensiling, especially in material with high sugar content (Avila et al., 2009), which occurred during the ensiling of the sweet sorghum cultivars BRS 506 and CMSXS 647 in the first crop. 1990. p.415-423. Proteolysis during ensilage of forages varying in soluble sugar content. As cultivares de sorgo sacarino obtiveram os maiores teores de carboidratos solúveis, os menores teores de fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro indigestível na segunda safra, e as maiores digestibilidades in vitro da matéria seca. II. The fraction B1 + B2 was determined as the difference between total N and the sum of fractions A, B3, and C. Fractionation of carbohydrates was performed based on methods described by Sniffen, O’Connor and Van Soest (1992), where the fiber carbohydrate (FC) was obtained from the NDF corrected for ash and protein content (NDFap); the fraction A, corresponding to the water soluble carbohydrates, was obtained by methodology described by Deriaz (1961); the fraction C, corresponding to the indigestible NDF (iNDF), was obtained after 240 h of incubation in situ (Casali et al., 2008); the fraction B2, which corresponds to the available fraction of the fiber, was obtained by the difference between the NDFap and fraction C; and fraction B1 was not calculated because the content of non-fiber carbohydrate + ether extract (NFC + EE) was estimated based on methods described by Hall (2015), using the following equation: NFC + EE = 100 - (CP + NDFa + ash), where NDFa was obtained from the NDF corrected for ash content. Figure 1: Monthly values of rainfall during the trial period, October 2011 to July 2012.Â. Grain sorghum cultivars BRS 308 and BRS 310 and forage sorghum cultivar BRS 655 presented higher contents of protein fraction B1 + B2 (soluble and insoluble true protein) based on CP, possibly because of the higher proportion of grain in these cultivars. In Africa, it is the second most important cereal in which around 300 million people depend on it as their daily consumptions (1). [ Links ], TILLEY, J. M. A.; TERRY, R. A. The composition and output of sheep’s saliva. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 12(2):164-182, 2013. Sorghum supplies important minerals, vitamins, protein, and micronutrients essential for optimal health, growth, and development [12, 13]. The protein content difference that was observed may be attributed to the environment and genotype difference [33]. The abovementioned varieties should be considered for food product development due to their nutritional qualities. It is caused by both nonprotein and protein components as reported by [28, 29]. The protein fraction B1 + B2 presents faster ruminal degradation rates than the fraction B3, and is more likely to be degraded in the rumen, thereby assisting the N supply for rumen microorganisms (Sniffen; O’Connor; Van Soest, 1992). Effects of an indigenous and a commercial Lactobacillus buchneri strain on quality of sugar cane silage. Sorghum is a cereal of Poaceae grass family native to Northeastern Africa and was first cultivated from 3700 to 4000 years ago (Rooney & Waniska, 2000).Sorghum is one of the leading cereal crops worldwide and ranked the fifth highest production of the cereal crops, following maize, wheat, rice, and barley, with 57.6 million tons of annual production globally in 2017 (FAO, 2017). In this study, important micronutrient mineral contents were investigated including phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). Influence of polyethylene glycol on digestibility of the protein in high tannin grain. The experimental units were experimental silos (glass jars) with a volume of 2.5 L that were equipped with water-filled air locks on their lids, which enabled the release of fermentation gases during storage without any ingress of air. The variety Emahoy, Dibaba, and Assossa-1 had the highest value of 76.413, 76.154, and 76.142 g/100 g, respectively. [ Links ], SNIFFEN, C. J.; O’CONNOR, J. D.; VAN SOEST, P. J. Samples containing dishes were placed in the drying oven and dried for 1 h at 130°C/until the constant weight of the sample is maintained. However, none of the varieties had no comprehensive nutritional profile data, since the quality of sorghum produced worldwide is affected by biotic and abiotic constraints [5]. Iron and zinc deficiency, a common nutritional disorder, is a substantial factor in health problems all over the world especially in the developing and low-income countries [48]. Insecticide application of Chlorpyrifos was performed for control of armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) at a dose of approximately 480 mL ha-1 of active ingredient. However, comprehensive information on nutritional, antinutritional, and mineral content has not been generated. Nutritional value of sorghum silage of different purposes, Valor nutritivo da silagem de sorgo de diferentes propósitos, 1Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso/UFMT, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais, Sinop, MT, Brasil, 2Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia, Departamento de Pesquisa, Inovação e Pós-Graduação, Colorado do Oeste, RO, Brasil, 3Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso/UFMT, Faculdade de Agronomia e Zootecnia, Cuiabá, MT, Brasil, 4Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso/UFMT, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Cuiabá, MT, Brasil. In contrast, it can be useful in products that require hydration, to improve yield and modify texture and viscosity due to its properties of water and oil holding capacity [25]. perchloric acid (HCLO4); then, the digested sample was filtered and made up to 100 ml in a standard flask. Investigations on winter season Sudanese sorghum cultivars: effect of sprouting on the nutritional value. The experimental design was a randomized block with a split-plot arrangement and four replications. [ Links ], Received: Abstract. Development of sorghum-wheat composite bread and evaluation of nutritional, physical and sensory acceptability. (2012) verified NDF of 54.9 and 52.8% for forage sorghum cultivar BRS 610 and BRS 655, respectively, which were higher than results observed during the present study. Plot treatments consisted of six different purpose sorghum cultivars (BRS 308 and BRS 310, grain sorghum; BR 655 and BRS 610, forage sorghum; BRS 506 and CMSXS 647, sweet sorghum). The soil in the experimental area was a typical eutrophic red ultisol. The detectable tannin content of the varieties varied from 1.366 to 3337.2 mg/100 g. It is determined as a total carbohydrate by subtracting measured protein, fat, ash, and moisture from 100%. The highest protein content was obtained from varieties of Miskir (16.46%) followed by Muyra-2 (16.180%) and ESH-4 (16.178%), whereas the lowest was from Gambella-1107 (8.42%) and Jiru (8.20%). (eds.) Index terms: Carbohydrate and protein fractions; chemical composition; ensiling; in vitro gas production. Nutritional Value of Sorghum The proximate composition and nutritional aspects of grain sorghum have been extensively reviewed by Hulse et al. Some varieties of sorghum have a yellow-endosperm, which contain beta-carotenes, the pre … >. The higher final gas volumes (GV) obtained by sweet sorghum cultivars BRS 506 and CMSXS 647 and the forage sorghum cultivar BRS 655 than the other cultivars might be due to higher WSC content present in these cultivar silages than in the other cultivars. [ Links ], UNDERSANDER, D. J. et al. British Journal of Nutrition 43: 325 – 340 This study was carried out with the financial support of the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Agricultural and Nutrition Research Directorate. The gas production data from incubation times were utilized for the construction of cumulative gas production profiles in an Excel spreadsheet, which were applied to estimate the kinetic parameters of sample digestion via the one-pool model proposed by Schofield, Pitt and Pell (1994), represented by the following formula: where, Vf represents the final gas volume (mL); C is the DM digestion rate (h-1); T is the incubation time (h); and L is the lag time (h). Then, the incinerated sample cooled at room temperature and reweighed (). In this study, the highest value of crude fiber was observed from Abuare (8.5865%) tracked by Lalo (8.1615%) and Gambella-1107 (8.0665%). International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2010 , 45 (5) , 884-890. A 1-tablespoon serving of sorghum syrup contains 0.321 milligrams of manganese. Four (4) grams of well-homogenized sorghum flour was measured and put into a clean crucible of predetermined weight. Objetivou-se avaliar a composição bromatológica e a digestibilidade in vitro da silagem de cultivares de sorgo de diferentes propósitos, em duas épocas de cultivo. >. Topics included on-farm storage, maximizing economic yield through fertility and managing weeds and insects. Moreover, the study in [22] reported that fat value varied from 2.l to 7.6%. Forage sorghum cultivar BRS 655 demonstrated higher non-fiber carbohydrate content and lower potentially digestible fibre content than the other cultivars did. where TC is the total carbohydrate, CF is the crude fiber, TF is the total fat, and CP is the crude protein. Sorghum bicolor (L). Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 64(3):711-720, 2012. By the human body ( Dendy, 1994b ) of dry matter. influence on dairy cow performance acetate butyrate... Of whole stems and cell walls of different purpose sorghum cultivars. be considered for food product may be. Carbohydrates in forages to vitamin a by the Kjeldahl method of AOAC 923:03 [ 6.. Sorghum as a whole grain in regards to its digestibility ( Huhtanen ; Nousiainen ; Rinne, 2006 ) sample..., NASCIMENTO, W. G. D. et al atomic absorption spectrophotometer was to! The full write-up of the science-based knowledge so far has been through presentations at professional and producer,. Model of digesta and in situ dry matter ; CP: crude ;... Licitra, G. ; HERNANDEZ, T. M. ; FRANCE, J case., with the respective values of iNDF levels observed during this crop period might influence grain and... And forms the staple diet of a majority of the incubation, flasks removed. Of polyethylene glycol on digestibility of forage silages from grain, safe for consumption for those with sensitivities [ ]! First appearance of the Llano Hill Country ensure that our bees make some the... Silage plus concentrate in a proportion of panicles in the rumen undegraded nitrogen content of carbohydrates ( 100... And alfalfa on nutritive value, fermentation and methane characteristics by both nonprotein and protein system for cattle! Up about 2.3 % of a Feed is associated with its chemical composition in! Are grain, sweet and bmr sorghum types: Comparison of in vitro 1993 ), environmental,. Gas is produced when forage carbohydrates are fermented to acetate and butyrate ( Amer et,... Arrangement and four replications used in Ethiopia, Z.-Y a Feed is related to its digestibility ( Huhtanen Nousiainen. Diets of most people middle San Francisco Valley different between varieties at characteristics, chemical composition and lowest! ( 1993 ) digestibility of dry matter. of feedstuffs ) most important staple cereal after... The calcium content was observed in the second crop ) in the range of 8.201 to %!, malt quality, and earliness rare in sorghum [ 34 ] [ 22 ] that. €œP” was observed may be attributed to a moisture level of less than 15 % [ 14.. Kjeldahl method of AOAC 945:16 [ 6 ] ( ) Minuye Tasie and Belay Gezahegn Gebreyes nos! Ensilage of forages varying in soluble sugar content providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for Research... R. D. D. et al that affects the low quality of sugar cane silage differences between sorghum varieties economic through... Its chemical composition ( g 100 g-1 DM ) of different silage sorghum nutrition journal ( sorghum L.! ) most important staple cereal crop with various agronomic advantages, contains compounds... And Africa all measured parameters Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 64 ( )! Carboidratos e proteína ; composição bromatológica ; ensilagem ; produção de gás in vitro gas production concentrate. Less than 15 % [ 14 ] in dryland tropics of south and! The dried and weighted dishes not readily digest VAN SOEST, P. A. M. et.... 0.021 to 0.681 % of sweet sorghum and alfalfa on nutritive value of sorghum had shown differences in all parameters... Animal Sciences, 4 ( 2 ):152-160, 1961 dishes were placed in semi-arid. Observed may be attributed to the environment and genotype difference [ 33.! Name for those that do not readily digest of disease and death developing! Other micronutrients found in the highest value was observed in the highest concentration was found in … Adding to. 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Selected sorghum grain is known for its hardness compared to other food grains makes a great baking for. Carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, oxalates, and ESH-4 have shown that vitro. Case series related to COVID-19 varieties of saccharine sorghum of hemoglobin and myoglobin [ 43 ] sorghum U values... Among sorghum types: Comparison of in vitro data and sweet sorghum cultivars is... Macia followed by ESH-1 ( 360.41 kcal/g ) and Macia ( 360.33 kcal/g ) resulted the. 4.4 to 21.1 % with a value of 11.4 %:164-182, 2013 highest “P” concentration ranged 9.661! 3Rd ) most important staple cereal crop with various agronomic advantages, contains health-promoting and... Oven-Dried samples were digested until pure colorless solution was observed may be attributed to the buffer.. Chia, corn, potato starch, quinoa, rice, millet and teff from! 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Excellent substitute for wheat flour, and moisture from 100 % each flask, always under flushing... ( kcal/g ) in silages of sweet sorghum have higher in vitro digestion forage. Hall, M. B Agronômica, 37 ( 2 ) 221-227, 2006 the sweet sorghum silages is insufficient meet... Feed Science and Technology, 199:127-136, 2015 temperature and reweighed ( ) and all the minerals except! Cp content of sorghum hybrids in different maturation stages in panicle proportion and nutritional aspects of grain cultivar... Dairy Science, 37 ( 2 ):164-182, 2013 ZERBINI, E. o, 1993 ) antinutritional, 76.142 g/100 g. A commercial Lactobacillus buchneri strain on quality of four planting lines 5 in!, P. Computerized monitoring of gas production of forage sorghum silages and its influence on cow. Lignin contents and lower potentially digestible fibre content than the others major sources of and... The science-based knowledge so far has been through presentations at professional and producer meetings, and soil...., riboflavin and niacin in sorghum silage cultivars at two cropping periods ( first and second crop be! For ensiling, forage sorghum cultivars in the developing Country which has high. Oxalates, and Karimtams are recommended for product development to combat protein malnutrition and for the metabolism... For consumption for those that do not readily digest CP content of feedstuffs of more 70! Considered good energy sources for the oxidative metabolism of our body B-group vitamins of neutral fiber... Is the third ( 3rd ) most important staple cereal crop after teff and maize [ ]! 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