2011, Koch and Costamagna 2017). Search for other works by this author on: Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Science II, Ames, IA, Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, Walster Hall, Fargo, ND, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University, Berg Agricultural Hall, Brookings, SD, Southwest Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota Extension, Lamberton, MN, Soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) affects soybean spectral reflectance, Choosing organic pesticides over synthetic pesticides may not effectively mitigate environmental risk in soybeans, Shifts in dynamic regime of an invasive lady beetle are linked to the invasion and insecticidal management of its prey, Soybean aphid feeding injury and soybean yield, yield components, and seed composition, An aphid-dip bioassay to evaluate susceptibility of soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to pyrethroid, organophosphate, and neonicotinoid insecticides, Interactions of effects of host plant resistance and seed treatments on soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe), Trends in pesticide use on soybean, corn and cotton since the introduction of major genetically modified crops in the United States, Large-scale deployment of seed treatments has driven rapid increase in use of neonicotinoid insecticides and preemptive pest management in US field crops, Aphid-resistant soybean varieties for Minnesota, Evidence for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the upper midwestern United States, Soybean aphid field guide for the north-central region (2nd edition). For the last 17 yr, soybean aphid management has relied almost entirely on the use of foliar-applied broad-spectrum insecticides. 2004, Wu et al. States included had data available for the three survey years. Beta-cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide, has a broad insecticide spectrum and is considered effective for aphid control, while its residual concentrations may have sublethal effects ⦠Hanson, A. 2018, Varenhorst and Wagner 2018) (Table 1). Image from Koch et al. We provide an overview of factors that may have contributed to development of insecticide resistance in soybean aphid and recommendations for management of potentially resistant soybean aphid populations. However, availability of well-adapted, aphid-resistant soybean varieties remains low (McCarville et al. From 2015 to 2016, soybean aphid populations from Minnesota and Iowa exhibited resistance ratios up to 40-fold for pyrethroids (i.e., bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin) (Hanson et al. Due to the mobility of winged soybean aphids (Schmidt et al. A sublethal concentration of beta-cypermethrin (LC 5 for A. glycines) stimulated the reproduction of A. glycines but it did not impact the fecundity of A. solani. Aphids will unknowingly land on the treated plant, start to feed and within a few days die. 2007, Koch et al. When selecting insecticides, keep in mind that the ‘the primary intention for the use of an insecticide mixture (tank-mix or pre-formulated mixture) is, in most cases, not resistance management but pest management’ (IRAC 2012). Cypermethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that mainly affects an insectâs central nervous system, used against a number of insect pests such as aphids, weevils, caterpillars, yellow cereal fly, flea beetles, ⦠Literature from Asia indicates ‘light’ levels of field-evolved resistance of soybean aphid to organophosphates (Wang et al. However, scouting and threshold-based application of foliar insecticides provides a greater likelihood and magnitude of positive net return than seed-applied insecticides for management of soybean aphid (Krupke et al. Therefore, we caution against the use of neonicotinoid-containing insecticides for a first foliar application to such fields (Fig. 2011, Tilmon et al. 2012). 3). (2016). However, in an assessment of the susceptibility of soybean aphid populations from the North Central Region to the neonicotinoid, thiamethoxam, Ribeiro et al. These findings hinted that the pyrethroid insecticide beta-cypermethrin has the potential to mediate the interspecific competition between specialist and generalist aphids (at the sublethal ⦠Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 2018) have created an immediate challenge for effective soybean pest management and profitable soybean production. Ohnesorg, W. J., K. D. Johnson, and M. E. O’Neal. This work was supported in part by the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, Iowa Soybean Association, North Dakota Soybean Council, and South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. Ragsdale, D. W., D. A. Landis, J. Brodeur, G. E. Heimpel, and N. Desneux. However, the LC 5 of beta-cypermethrin enhanced the interspecific inhibition of fecundity between the two aphid ⦠In China, laboratory experiments exposing soybean aphid to lambda-cyhalothrin for 40 generations resulted in the development of 76-fold resistance to that insecticide and cross resistance ⦠Zhu, Y.C., J. Adamczyk, T. Rinderer, J. Yao, R. Danka, R. Luttrell, and J. Gore. Monitor the trees for mites when the weather is hot and dry and after ⦠Beta-cypermethrin is classified as a toxicity class II (pyrethroid) insecticide, and it represents one of the main options for controlling aphids on cereals in China (Zhang et al. Reproduction of A. glycines was more likely inhibited by the interspecific interactions compared to A. solani. If a field needs to be retreated, alternate to a different insecticide group for the follow-up application (NRC 1986, IRAC 2009) (Fig. As a synthetic pyrethroid, Zeta-Cypermethrin is a contact insecticide which provides quick results for ⦠(2018) documented resistance ratios greater than 20-fold, which could be considered moderate resistance. After soybean aphid populations reach the economic threshold, a single application of a foliar insecticide is usually sufficient for soybean aphid management (Hodgson et al. 3). Soybean aphid also can affect soybean through transmission of viruses (e.g., Soybean mosaic virus and Alfalfa mosaic virus) (Hill et al. Aphids may be controlled by using a commercially prepared insecticidal soap product, neem oil extract or pyrethrin, which are all less toxic control options. This knowledge could contribute to rationalize application of insecticides and to optimize Integrated Pest Management in soybean. It is used in the UK to control a range of pests in both arable and livestock farming, in homes and gardens, and in public and commercial buildings. 2016). However, the LC5 of beta-cypermethrin enhanced the interspecific inhibition of fecundity between the two aphid species. Use the economic threshold (i.e., 250 aphids per plant with more than 80% of plants infested and aphid populations increasing) to determine if insecticides should be applied (Ragsdale et al. Nevertheless, such facilitated colonization-induced susceptibility could be modulated through exposure to the LC5 of beta-cypermethrin. 2012, Varenhorst and O’Neal 2012), and sulfoxaflor (Group 4C) (Tran et al. For example, if a field was treated with a pyrethroid (Group 3A) and a follow-up insecticide application is needed, then an insecticide from different insecticide group, such as an organophosphate (Group 1B), should be selected. Agric. and Environment Extension Publications, A nematode, fungus, and aphid interact via a shared host plant: implications for soybean management, One gene versus two: a regional study on the efficacy of single gene versus pyramided resistance for soybean aphid management, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Pesticide resistance: strategies and tactics for management, National Summit on strategies to manage herbicide-resistant weeds: proceedings of a workshop, Impact of reduced-risk insecticides on soybean aphid and associated natural enemies, Maintaining genetic diversity and population panmixia through dispersal and not gene flow in a holocyclic heteroecious aphid species, Compatibility of flonicamid and a formulated mixture of pyrethrins and azadirachtin with predators for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) management, Economic threshold for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Ecology and management of the soybean aphid in North America, Acute-contact and chronic-systemic in vivo bioassays: regional monitoring of susceptibility to thiamethoxam in soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations from the North Central United States, Plant resistance to arthropods: molecular and conventional approaches, Defining terms for proactive management of resistance to Bt crops and pesticides, Potential for sulfoxaflor to improve conservation biological control of, The response of natural enemies to selective insecticides applied to soybean, 2018 South Dakota pest management guide: soybeans. These continued infestations by soybean aphid in parts of the Upper Midwest have resulted in a long history (i.e., about 17 yr) of selection pressure for development of insecticide resistance. 2004, Hodgson et al. In response to the challenges that insecticide-resistant soybean aphids pose, growers, consultants and applicators are encouraged to evaluate and select their soybean aphid management practices carefully. Aphid-resistant soybean varieties have proven effective for soybean aphid management, particularly when multiple resistance (Rag) genes are pyramided in individual lines (Hesler et al. Pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription applied indoor! Threshold, use an effective insecticide at a labeled rate ( IRAC 2012 ) potentially resistant to.!, L. C., W.Zhang, M. O ’ Neal 2012 ) interspecific! Organophosphates, pyrethroids, or neonicotinoids in field-collected soybean aphid populations zeta-cypermethrin is one of the newer pyrethroids... 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Acetylcholine receptor agonists, copyright © 2021 Entomological Society of America making for soybean management. Tank mixing insecticide with other pesticide applications regardless of soybean aphid management has relied almost entirely on the of... Containing insecticides other than pyrethroids should be considered, because of the University of Minnesota receives... H., R. Luttrell, and A. Varenhorst of complex food webs, which are often to! In contrast, recommendations for resistance management ( NRC 2012 ) have already been exposed this. Neighboring states is further evidenced by data from NASS ( 2018 ) have created immediate... Furthermore, reports of pyrethroids failing to control soybean aphid abundance ( Hodgson et al insecticide. Hollingworth, and A. L. Devonshire, R.L.K Neal 2012 ) E. Burkness... Brown, golden, orange, red, white, grey or black from! Ohnesorg, W. Zhan, D. B. Hogg, and Y. Carriere facilitated colonization was impaired by the resistance (... 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